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Our Team

Our goals are to conduct the highest quality research and to provide real-life solutions to intractable issues and grand challenges in forest health.  We are bound together on a scientific journey to better understand the ecology of forest insects in a constantly changing world.  Simply put, we want to achieve wise use, conservation, and stewardship of our natural resources.

Dr. Kamal J.K. Gandhi
Wheatley Distinguished Professor of Forest Health, Director

Kamal is a forest entomologist.  She's also a mother, an avid hiker, and meditator. Kamal is a strong advocate of making every moment count, and living a full, creative, and authentic life. 

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Brittany Barnes, M.S.
Research Professional, Ph.D. Student

Brittany runs the day-to-day forest entomology program at the University of Georgia.  She enjoys yoga, camping, hiking, traveling, people, and her cute cat.

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Ourania Nikoliadis
Ph.D. Candidate

Ourania is focused on the effects of hurricane-force wind disturbances on arthropod communities. She enjoys hiking, camping, trail running, and spending time with her rabbit, Bun and bearded dragon, Fuego. 

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Hanusia Higgins
Ph.D. Student

Hanusia is working on the applied ecology and management of Ips bark beetles in southern pine forests. She enjoys hiking, biking, cooking, baking, and spending time with her cat, Max.

Emma Land
M.S. Student

Emma is working on enhancing North American ash clonal propagation via somatic embryogenesis, with an emphasis on Oregon ash. She enjoys backpacking, birding, reading, and kayaking.

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Emma Briggs
Ph.D. Student

Emma is studying the interactions between SMZs and pollinators in managed forests. When not thinking about bees, she enjoys rock climbing, hiking, and hanging out with her dog.

Elise McDonald
M.S. Student

Elise is working on the effects of wildlife management practices on native bees.  She is an avid outreach specialist with interests in pollinator ecology, backpacking, fishing, yoga, and good food.

Whit Bolado
M.F.R. Student

Whit was our lab and field technician, and worked on bark beetle projects, forest pest surveys, and on many other projects. Currently, he is working on biocontrol methods for emerald ash borer.

Previous Personnel

Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Researchers (current positions)

  1. Brittany Barnes, M.S. (University of Georgia - Research Professional &Ph.D. student)

  2. Nicholas Bolton, Postdoctoral Researcher (Forisk Consulting LLC - Researcher)

  3. Jamie Bookwalter, M.S. (North Carolina State University - Extension Specialist)

  4. Kayla Brownell, M.S. (Georgia Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Inspector)

  5. Jordan Burke, M.S. (University of British Columbia - Postdoctoral Researcher) - a brilliant star who left too soon

  6. Emma Briggs, M.S. (University of Georgia - Ph.D. student)

  7. Keith Caprio, M.F.R. (USDA Forest Service - Forester)

  8. Lea Clark, M.F.R. (Georgia Forestry Commission - Community Forester)

  9. David Coyle, Postdoctoral Researcher (Clemson University - Assistant Professor)

  10. Christine Favorito, M.S. (Jones Center at Ichuaway - Lead Research Technician)

  11. Christine Fortuin, Ph.D. & Postdoctoral Researcher (Mississippi State University - Assistant Professor)

  12. Benjamin Gochnour, Ph.D. (University of Central Florida - Postdoctoral Researcher)

  13. Mitchell Green, M.S. (Research Fellow - University of Massachusetts)

  14. Bailey McNichol, M.S. (University of Michigan - Postdoctoral Researcher)

  15. Angela Mech, Ph.D. (University of Maine - Assistant Professor)

  16. Chelsea Miller, Postdoctoral Researcher (University of Akron- Assistant Professor)

  17. Holly Munro, Ph.D. [National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Inc. (NCASI) - Senior Research Scientist]

  18. Haley Ritger, Ph.D. (USDA Forest Service, Lincoln National Forest - Natural Resource Specialist)

  19. Derek Robertson, M.S. (Athens, Georgia)

  20. Ashley Schulz, M.S. (Mississippi State University - Assistant Professor)

  21. Sara (Katie) O'Shields (Georgia Department of Natural Resources - Technician)

  22. Ansley Silva, M.S. (State of Washington - Planner)

  23. Seth Spinner, M.S. (University of Kentucky - Pest Outreach Coordinator)

  24. Jenny Staeben, Ph.D. (Wyoming Attorney General's Office - Lawyer)

  25. Thomas Whitney, Ph.D. (Davey Tree Company - Entomologist)

International Exchange Students

Danyang Fu, Ph.D., China

Jiangming Yao, Ph.D., China

Christiane Helbig, Ph.D., Germany

Undergraduate Students & Technicians (select, >30)

Joel Adair

Jackson Audley

Jamie Botsch

John Doyle

Madeleine Dupuy

Shawn Harrington

Steven Hughes

Sarah Klinect

Danielle Sank

High School Students (select)

Eduardo Ricome

Mauranda Upchruch

Nakia Lee

Daniel B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, 180 E Green Street, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602
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Last Updated: February 2025
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